

First workshop
of CC&B

21 September 2015
Aula Crociera Alta
Via Festa del Perdono, Milano

The First Workshop of CC&B joins together researchers of the Center with national and international guests of the CC&B to discuss together future common research and direction of the CC&B.

The Workshop is open to everybody and free but it is necessary to register in advance.

Please send an email to :
with the subject: registration to CC&B workshop
before 18 September 2015.


  • 9.00-9.15 Welcome and introduction:
    C. La Porta, S. Zapperi S. Vigna
  • 9.30L. Pietronero (Università di Roma – Sapienza)
    Economic Complexity
  • 10.00Fabrizio Silvestri (Yahoo! Labs Londra)
    Word2Vec and its applications
  • 10.30M. Rasetti (Isi Foundation,Torino)
    Topological Data Analysis: towards a field theory of data
  • 11.00 Coffee break
  • 11.30C. A. M. La Porta (CC&B)
    Quantitative biology from cancer cells to neurodegeneration
  • 12.00C. Camilloni (TU Munich, Germany)
    A generalized inferential approach to model complex systems
  • 12.30-14.30 Lunch
  • 14.30D. Candia (CC&B)
    Functional morphology in animal biology: old problems, new frontiers
  • 15.00P. Boldi (CC&B)
    Centrality in Networks
  • 15.30C. Cattuto (ISI Foundation, Torino)
    High-resolution social networks
  • 16.00G. Tiana (CC&B)
    Localization of frustration in proteins
  • 16.30 Coffee break
  • 17.00G. Scita (IFOM, Milano)
    Endocytic regulation of multicellular dynamics
  • 17.30S. Zapperi (CC&B)
    Complexity in materials
  • 18.00 Closing discussion